The Center Drive School is located in Orrington, Maine, 6 miles from the Brewer end of the Bangor/Brewer bridge. Our school has a student population of 397, and services students in our 4 year old program up to grade 8. We have a professional staff of 52, which includes 21 classroom teachers. This allows us an average student/ teacher ratio of 19-1. Our staff is committed to providing quality education for every student that passes through our doors. Please review our philosophy and shared vision on our web site. This is what we believe-it is our mission.
The school is truly a community school. Parents and community members are invested in the education of their students, and support the programs we are able to offer. The Orrington Recreation Committee uses the building for the children of the community, as well as the adults. You can visit the town website at http://orrington.govoffice.com.
The Orrington Schools will provide our students the right to an education in a safe, non-threatening, clean and nurturing environment. Each student will have the freedom to be an individual who is treated with respect in a setting that is conducive to the educational, social and emotional growth and well being of all participants. Students will come to school ready to learn and be challenged to aspire to their highest potential. They will be active participants in their education with the goal of becoming life-long learners. Students will be prepared to accept their role as productive, responsible citizens of the future, while demonstrating tolerance and respect for the differences of all cultures.The School Staff believes that all children can learn with appropriate encouragement and feedback. All staff members will be effective communicators who teach to individuals, and are dedicated to the education of the whole child. Lessons will be based on student needs that provide a structured and respectful atmosphere where cooperative learning and integration of curriculum allows students the opportunity to succeed. Staff will provide realistic learning experiences, including life skills that will ensure students become responsible, competent, self-sufficient members of society. Orrington educators will be committed to staying well-trained and up-to-date in current educational methods and strategies.
The Community is an integral part of our educational process. Our students' education requires a partnership between students, teachers, parents and the Orrington community. As such, it is crucial that all of these participants take an interested and active role in the daily work of students. Education in Orrington will include the community and its resources as important teaching tools in day-to-day instruction. Our students' home environments will provide encouragement and support for their academic, social and emotional development so they may come to school ready to learn. Parents and community members need to act as positive and responsible role models for all children.
If you have any questions or comments please contact the office by calling 207-825-3697.
You can fax us at 207-825-4525.
Our mailing address is 17 School St Orrington ME 04474.
Finally if you would like to send an e-mail to the main office please feel free to email us at office@cdsedu.org